Chung Wei had been involved in insurance and financial planning work for almost two decades. He had also been a senior trading representative. He is a course consultant and lecturer for the Certified Financial Planner’s program (CFP) run by Financial Perspectives Pte Ltd.
Chung Wei graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (Honors) degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1989. He also holds a Master of Science (Marketing) degree from University College Dublin. He has been an Advocate and Solicitor of the Singapore Supreme Court since 1990. He also has the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation, the Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA), Certificate in University Teaching awarded by the University of Newcastle, Advanced Certificate in University Teaching awarded by the University of Newcastle. He is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and completed Murdoch University’s Learning and Teaching Certificate professional development scheme,
As a lawyer, his scope of work included commercial matters and agreements, tort cases, contract cases, civil litigation, family law, conveyancing, bankruptcy matters, estate-related matters like Wills, probate and administration of Estates. Chung Wei had been involved in insurance and financial planning work for almost two decades. He had also been a senior trading representative. He is a course consultant and lecturer for the Certified Financial Planner’s program (CFP) run by Financial Perspectives Pte Ltd. The CFP program is attended by many financial advisers’ representatives in the financial services industry for their upgrading of knowledge and expertise.
Chung Wei has also been a course designer and lecturer for various programs accredited by the Institute of Banking and Finance in the areas of Financial Advisory, Ethics, Rules and Regulations for Financial Advisers Representatives. He had also conducted Ethics workshop for members of the Financial Planning Association of Singapore (FPAS). Chung Wei has also taught at diploma and university levels.