Re: Academic Integrity and Conduct During Examination

It has been brought to our attention by the Financial Planning Association of Singapore (FPAS) Certification Board that some of our students have been caught cheating during the CFP Modules 1 to 5 board examination in the Nov 2021 exam cycle, and that those found cheating have been graded “fail” immediately and their AFP/AWP Certification revoked. They will also be barred from taking the CFP certification in future, among other disciplinary actions taken against them for beach of academic integrity and violation of professional conduct.


During the exam conducted online, these candidates were caught by the proctor using their mobile phones in both voice calls and messaging, reading out the questions in the room with other people around, taking the exam with other candidates within the same room, discussing the questions – all these are direct violation of the “RULES OF CONDUCT DURING E-ASSESSMENT” which you signed and returned to FPAS before the examination.


As a FPAS approved Education Provider, we want to remind you to always be mindful of your conduct as an examination candidate, and as a professional in the Financial Services Industry. We do not condone such behaviors and would like to hereby remind everyone to always uphold academic integrity and FPAS Code of Ethics, and adhere to the rules of conduct during e-assessment which were clearly communicated to you.


Thank you


Ronald Wong