Upcoming Events Calendar

Upcoming 2024 Events Calendar

December 2024
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IBF-FTS Funding for 01 Jan 2023 onwards

–  30% of direct training cost for Singapore Citizen below 40 and all PRs, who are eligible for the IBF-FTS funding;

–  Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above will be eligible for 70% co-funding of direct training costs.

If you are  licensed Agents or Representatives in financial industry, IBF allows personal payment of the nett fee with a letter of support from your principal company upon registration. If you are an employed staff, only employer-sponsored courses are eligible for the funding. FP will assist to claim for the IBF-FTS Funding. Students have to fulfil the funding requirement, or the full course fee should be clawed back by the training provider.Individuals may use the SkillsFuture Credit to pay the 70% nett course fee if available.

Eligible Individuals#
  • Only company-sponsored individuals+; and Include licensed representatives such as insurance agents, financial advisers, and remisiers supported by FI principal and General insurance (GI) agents registered with the General Insurance Association’s (GIA) Agent Registration Board
  • Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents, physically based in Singapore; and
  • Successfully completed FTS recognised  programme (including passing all relevant assessments and examinations).

For full details, please visit IBF website.

Seats are limited. Please enroll early to secure your place

Updated ASFB Course Schedule

05-Dec-22Monday2:00PM-5:30PMMODULE 1: Foundations in Advising Small and Family Businesses
12-Dec-22Monday2:00PM-5:30PMMODULE 2: Qualitative Analysis: The Business Environment and Business Structure
19-Dec-22Monday2:00PM-5:30PMMODULE 3: Quantitative Analysis: Company Financial Analysis
26-Dec-22Monday2:00PM-5:30PMMODULE 4: The Buy-Sell Agreement and Establishing Business Valuation
16-Jan-23Monday2:00PM-5:30PMMODULE 5: Exit Planning and Key Employee Strategies
30-Jan-23Monday2:00PM-5:30PMMODULE 6: Advising the Family Business

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