Introduction to Family Office for Financial Advisers (Free Seminar)

Introduction to Family Office for Financial Advisers (Free Seminar)

Singapore has become a prime destination for Ultra High Net-Worth (UHNW) families from all over the world to set up family offices.  It is reported that the number of family office in Singapore has been doubling; there are 400 family offices established in 2020.   While many are oblivious of this new trend, some heard about it but unfamiliar with the opportunities it offers.

This seminar aims to give an overview about this growing trend specifically tailored for Financial Advisers.

  • What is family office? Why UHNW families are setting up family offices?
  • What are the incentives of setting up family office in Singapore?
  • What is the typical family office structure?
  • What is Variable Capital Company?
  • What is Global Investor Program (GIP)? And how to qualify under Family Office track?
  • Most importantly, how to capitalise on this wave and what is the opportunities for Financial Advisers?

James Y. Zou. CFP®, IBFA, Certified Family Office Adviser.

James is Senior Consultant, Private Client Services of Tricor Group, a global company with 50,000 corporate clients with network of offices in 47 cities across 21 countries/territories. James experience in advising Ultra High Net-worth families from the region on setting up family offices, trusts and offshore structures. He is not only knowledgeable but his experience in advising many families enable him to impart practical wisdom. James is also a sought-after speaker and trainer for banks and financial institutions.

John Sim CFA®.

John is currently a Director of Banjaran Asset Management, an asset Management company specializes on Family Offices and currently overseeing AUM of more than US$4 billions. John has over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, primarily on advising institutional investors. He was formerly both Head of Equities Research Sales in South East Asia as well as CEO of Nomura Securities Singapore.

Ronald Wong MBA, TEP, CFP.

Ronald is the Managing Director of Financial Perspectives Pte Ltd and a Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP). With close to 20 years of consulting and teaching experience, he has consulted and coordinated planning for business owners and high net worth individuals in the region. His experience ranges from personal financial planning to coordination of private placements and family wealth and legacy planning.


Feb 11 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

More Info

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Ronald Wong
Ronald Wong
