Study options and Materials

Financial Perspectives is committed to helping our students better prepare for the CFP® certification examinations. Our team of lecturers are committed to helping you pass on your first exam attempt.

To cater to different learning needs, we offer two different study options for candidates taking the CFP® Certification Examination:

Classroom Option

For candidates who prefer a structured learning process by attending a series of classroom tutorials for each module

  • Conducted by FP’s dedicated and experienced lecturers
  • Course content reinforced with additional content (e.g. slides, notes, quiz questions) to help candidates to focus and understand key areas of the assessment components
  • Supplementary interactive e-learning course-ware and teaching videos in “reverse classroom” format to reinforce learning and retention
  • Practice exam & review of solutions to reinforce key concepts
  • Personal help and direct access to mentoring with our lecturers

Online Study Materials*:

     1. Over 20 hours of Classroom Tutorial Sessions per module
     2. Tutorial Slides
     3. Over 50 hours worth of supplementary content (videos, webinar recordings, online practice papers, interactive e-learning course ware, etc) hosted on our Learning Management System *

NOTE: *Candidates are eligible to MAS Enhance Training Support (IBF-STS) Subsidy of 80% of Course Fee. Candidates can register as a company-sponsored candidate or a self-sponsored candidate (subject to qualifying conditions).

*Online materials are accessible for the registered intake only. Course e-guides will be available for 2 years from the registered exam cycle (access to course e-guides are valid for 6 exam cycles). FP reserves the right to make changes whenever necessary without prior notification.

Self-Study / Distant Learning Option

For candidates who prefer to study independently without attending classroom tutorials. NOTE: THIS OPTION DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR IBF-STS FUNDING

  • Caters to working professionals and individuals who have a tight work schedule
  • For individuals who are unable to commit to a fixed lecture structure
  • Popular with candidates who are temporarily based overseas and travel frequently

Online Study Materials*:

Over 50 hours worth of supplementary content (revision videos, online practice papers, interactive e-learning course ware, etc) hosted on our Learning Management System *

NOTE: For Self-Study option, candidates are NOT ELIGIBLE for IBF-STS Funding support.

*Online materials are accessible for the registered intake only. FP reserves the right to make changes whenever necessary without prior notification.

About Our Study Materials

1) Tutorial Slide Pack

This is provided for candidates who sign up for the Classroom-Tutorial Option to be used in the tutorial sessions.

2) Exam Preparation Class

Our qualified and experienced trainers will provide intensive coaching in key areas of the syllabus and guidance on handling the exam questions with strategies and techniques in this session. Using practice exam paper, the trainer will engage candidates in discussions of the practice questions and work out the solutions systematically. Through this revision session, candidates gain invaluable insights, which will help them to be better prepare themselves for the examination.

3) Additional E-Learning Content and Exam Practice Support

To assist candidates in preparing for the FPAS administered examinations, we have also provided candidates with additional e-learning content, revision videos, and practice examinations via our LMS portal.

The e-learning portal contains interactive e-learning content, additional video lessons, exam revision breakdown and walkthrough, calculator workshops and other supplementary materials. This blended learning approach allows candidates to have more interaction and revision time with their lecturers and also serves as an added boost to their exam preparation.

The practice exam simulations to help candidates determine their level of preparedness, competency and comprehension of the assessment components and to identify weak areas – essential preparation for passing the examinations. Passing the examination is a mandatory component to be eligible for IBF-STS funding support.

4) Student Support

FP provides excellent student support with regards to our courses. Candidates can call or email their queries to and our lecturers will provide detailed answers. We are true to our commitment to help candidates pass their exam on their first attempt!